
MultilineInputFormat (MLF) for hadoop MapReduce (v2).

View the Project on GitHub caesar0301/mrmlf

About mrmlf

This library provides an extended input format, namely MultilineInputFormat based on new interfaces of Hadoop Mapreduce.

Data Target

Basically, default input formats in Hadoop are based on line-specific text files or separater-aware binary formats (e.g., SequenceFile or avro format). One of important data formats in real world is in the multiple-line form where one integrated record is split into multiple natural lines (separated by \r or \n). For exmpale, the music CD meta data in the illustrating program:

    <TITLE>Empire Burlesque</TITLE>
    <ARTIST>Bob Dylan</ARTIST>
    <TITLE>Hide your heart</TITLE>
    <ARTIST>Bonnie Tyler</ARTIST>

This library manipulates the problem of this kind of data, and restores the multiple-line content as a unified record for mapreduce programs. That is, the CD metadata in the above example will be converted into two records.

Programming Integration

You can use this extended file input format as the way invoking other default formats. Here we give a minimum configuration in MR program. The complete sample source code is located at of the library.

public final class MultilineInputFormatSample extends Configured {

    public int run(String[] args) throws Exception {
        // Create a new MR job configuration
        job = ...

        // Invoke MLF class
        MultilineInputFormat.setMultilineStartString(job, "<CD>");
        MultilineInputFormat.setMultilineEndString(job, "</CD>");

        // Set map output KV classes

More about Record Separation

There are two principle methods to determine the behavior of MLF, i.e., MultilineInputFormat.setMultilineStartString and MultilineInputFormat.setMultilineEndString. The former tells the library where the record beginning is and latter the record ending.

Note: Both methods are on the basis of natural lines and determine whether to split or not by matching the first characters in each line (including spacing characters like whitespaces and tabs).


© Xiaming Chen --